Crossing Boundaries, Finding the Moment

This is a journey to share photographs taken during my travels. The attempt is to find moments by crossing boundaries. Travel involves crossing physical boundaries which in turn allows other boundaries to be crossed through images captured by the camera.

Joy, Hope, Struggle, Anxiety, Sadness and other emotions reflected on the images of the human face allow our curiosity to rise.

The past grandeur of cities, desolate streets which were once the arteries of vibrant economies, angst demonstrated on urban walls, sculpture of a woman in chains, all such images were captured as they came. The viewer interprets the images in his or her own way and may start questioning the cause of change, the relevance of messages displayed on the graffiti, and even wonder why we ever needed to put other human beings in chains.

‘I did not seek these images, I found them.’


My goal as a photographer is to create best visual experiences for my clients capturing their important moments


As a photographer for many years, I believe that images give rise to dialogue. A powerful image of the human face reflects emotions of joy, hope, struggle, anxiety, sadness, and contentment.

My travels have allowed me to share photographs and tell the stories of a city’s past grandeur and desolate streets. The faces of the occupants explode with their dreams, disappointments, struggles and angst.

The camera lens knows no boundaries. It is not limited by the physical but rather offers a window into the world around us. Historically, photographs have the power to change our minds and help shape a better world. This is what I seek to accomplish…..

Let’s do something crazy together!

Let's Explore

A body of water with ice floating on it.
A woman sitting on the ground playing an instrument.
A view of the ruins from inside an old building.
A group of people walking on the street.
Three children are standing in a field.
A boat is parked on the dock near some buildings.


Contact me, and let’s embark on a creative journey together.

A group of people sitting at tables eating food.

Trekking in the Land of Fire and Ice

With apologies to Robert Frost (Fire and Ice, 1920) I did not see either a primal desire to end in fire or an ice-cold hatred leading to destruction. Iceland is stunning and gave me more reason to be alive.

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A painting of a person with a clock on it.

The Streets

Streets have appeared in literature describing emotions felt, art displayed, struggles experienced, performances captured, political movements observed, and the list is never ending.

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A large room with pillars and statues in it


Monuments are built so people can see them and think about the power that was, remember the culture that was and reminisce about an event in history before moving on

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A room with red carpet and rugs on the floor.


We take pride in building, organizing, and decorating the place we call home. Some dwellings last and others are abandoned for reasons unknown.

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A group of people are drawn on the wall.

The Human Condition

The gallery shares documentary photographs of humans taken in different settings to give us a further understanding of our race. What we do with this realization is another matter.

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A group of people standing on top of a mountain.

Why Not…?

It has been some time since I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro and I have been thinking about sharing my thoughts about the climb. Doubts, excitement, concerns, some hard work, all of these went into the summit day – September 10, 2014.

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We will cross boundaries together

    A group of people standing on top of steps.